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Grand Champion

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CH Tinafeld Leroy of Grabe (IMP)

GC,DW Tinafeld's Eddy Irvine DW Dega-Bulu's Red Bull of Tinafeld Bolo Bodygard of Dega- Bulu
Dega-Bulu's Cheyenne
Tinafeld Up To Date Marhei Dream Boy of Tinafeld
Marhei Tryst
Magratheas Jil of Tinafeld CH Purdy Katz Huckleberry Finn GC Bolo Pearl Jam of Hankypankys
CH Lamettas Jellybean of Purdy katz
Agonistes Hinrj Rose of Magratheas GC Bolo Bear Essentials
Donau's Giardiniena of Agonistes


Fabfur Tiara

GC Stanwick Spellbound SC Stanwick Legacy van Iwanda DM (IMP) CH South Paw Bon Vivant
IC Spellbound's Tiara
Finchfield You're Gorgeous of Stanwick Eddore X Yipes Stripes
Finchfield Flavia
Puniceus Silver Shanon SC Skyhy Breakdancer of Shaden GC Skyhy Northern Dancer DM
GC Skyhy Jitterbug
Pyrrho Berth De Blus Jovan Tiebreaker of Jedidiah
Pyrrho Silver Cleopatra


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